Important Facts of Agriculture


  1. Important Facts of Agriculture

  1. Father of agronomy is - Peter Decresenzi.
  2. Dr. Biwant Raj is the founder of Relay cropping.
  3. The Directorate of Cropping System Research is located at - Modipuram, Meerut, U.P.
  4. Scientific study of mixed cropping was firstly done by - La-Flitze (1928).
  5. Relay cropping concept was derived from - Relay race.
  6. Natural Resource Management is an example of sustainable agriculture.
  7. Cropping System is a component of - Farming System.
  8. When the sub-crops are sown to supplement the yield of the main crop, the sub-crops are known as - Augmenting crops.
  9. The main crop is grown in the center, surrounded by hardy or thorny crops, the sub-crop is known as - Guard crops.
  10. The yield of both crops, grown together are found to be higher than the yield of their pure crops on unit area, such cropping is known as - Synergetic cropping.
  11. What is a cash crop - Those crops, which may be sold directly from the field without processing like vegetables, potato, etc.
  12. Formula of Cropping Intensity = Total Cropping Area / Total sown area * 100.
  13. The growing of two or more crops on the same field in a year is called - Multiple cropping.
  14. The practice of raising grasses or pasture is also known as - Ley farming.
  15. In India, the maximum acreage and production of wheat are in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
  16. The type of fruit of wheat is Caryopsis.
  17. The optimum temperature for the ideal germination of wheat is 20 to 25 °C.
  18. Norin-10 gene was brought to the USA by - S.C. Salamone (1984).
  19. The dwarf winter variety of wheat first time developed using the Norin gene by - Dr. O.A. Vogel (USA).
  20. Triple gene dwarf varieties were released in 1970.
  21. Which is double gene dwarf varieties of wheat - HD 2204, Janak, UP 215, Pratap, Kalyansona, Arjun, Sonara 64.
  22. Single gene dwarf varieties are - Sonalika, Girija, UP-262, WL 711, Lerma Rojo 64A.
  23. The protein found in wheat flour which is helpful for chapati making - Gluten.
  24. Central Zig-Zag axis of wheat is called - Rachis.
  25. Mexican dwarf wheat was evolved by - Dr. N.E. Borlaug.
  26. The toxic alkaloid found in the leaves of sorghum crops is - Dhurin or HCN.
  27. CSH 1 was released as the first dwarf sorghum hybrid in 1964.
  28. Which crop is known as camel crops - Sorghum.
  29. Native of jowar is Africa (Ethiopia & Sudan).
  30. The maximum area & Production of jowar is in Maharashtra.
  31. Jowar is poor in lysine but rich in - Leucine.
  32. The inflorescence of jowar is called – Panicle.
  33. First hybrid variety of bajra is HB-1 (1965) developed at PAU, Ludhiana.
  34. Protein content in Bajra is 11-12%.
  35. Origin of bajra is Africa.
  36. Bajra is sensitive to - Water logging and Acidic soil.
  37. The largest producer state of cotton in India is - Gujarat.
  38. Bad opening of balls is known as - Tirak.
  39. In cotton, the maturity of fiber is judged by – Arealometer.
  40. H-777 is the cultivar of cotton.
  41. Hybrid -4 is the first commercial cotton of the world developed by - Dr. C.T. Patel in 1970.
  42. The leaves of cotton become reddish in color due to decreased nutrient uptake and moisture.
  43. Origin of cotton is from - India.
  44. Cotton belongs to - Malvaceae.
  45. Intra - Specific hybrid of cotton is - Hybrid -6, Savita, Surya.
  46. Interspecific hybrid of cotton is - Varalaxmi, DCH-32, HB -224, etc..
  47. One seed of cotton has 60,000-80,000 fibres.
  48. Ginning % = wt. of lint / wt. of seed cotton taken for ginning * 100.
  49. The removal of lower leaves which come in contact with soil and lose their commercial value is known as Priming process.
  50. Priming method is used in - Cigarette and wrapper tobacco.
  51. The main aim of topping and desuckering is - To divert the energy and nutrient of the plant from flower to leaves.
  52. The removal of the lateral branches or suckers or auxiliary buds is called - Desuckering.
  53. Central Tobacco Research Institute is situated at - Raja - h - Mundri, AP (1947).
  54. The richest source of protein among the food grain is - Pulses.
  55. Headquarters of Directorate of Pulses Research is located in - Kanpur, UP.
  56. Which pulse crop doesn’t fix N2 from the atmosphere - Rajma.
  57. The word pulse is derived from - French word pottage or porridge means - soup (dal).
  58. The term legume is taken from - Latin word - means to collect.
  59. India is the largest producer of – Gram.
  60. The sour taste of gram leaf is due to the presence of - Maleic acid(60%) and oxalic acid.
  61. Shelling % of Pea is 49.
  62. Harvest index of arhar is 19%.
  63. Origin of arhar is from – Africa.
  64. Queen of cereals is called Maize.
  65. The composite cultivars of maize are - Kisan, Jawahar, Amber, Vijay, Sona, Vikaram, etc..
  66. Maize is a C4 Plant.
  67. In India, the state that ranks first in the area and production of maize is Uttar Pradesh (UP).
  68. The maize protein is called - Zein.
  69. Male inflorescence of maize is called – Tassel.
  70. The critical stage for water application in maize is - Tasseling and silking stage.
  71. Which Indian scientist shared the World Food Prize for miracle maize - Dr. Sruinder K. Vasal (2000).
  72. Origin of maize from - Mexico.
  73. All India Coordinated Maize Improvement Project was started in - 1957 at New Delhi.
  74. Double-cross technique for hybrid seed production was developed by - D.F. Jones (1920).
  75. The idea of hybrid maize was first conceived by: E.M. East and G.H. Shull (1910).
  76. The criteria for harvesting sugarcane - Withering of lower leaves, brix 20%, sucrose 15%.
  77. Algin planting method of sugarcane is evolved by - Allahabad Agriculture Institute, Allahabad, UP.
  78. Adsali sugarcane is common in Maharashtra.
  79. Sugarcane is planted in furrows because - It reduces lodging.
  80. Inflorescence of sugarcane is generally called - Arrow or open panicle.
  81. Sucrose content in cane is - 13-14%.
  82. Sugar from juice is - 6-10%.
  83. Hand refractometer reading for sugarcane maturity is 20.
  84. Sugarcane Breeding Institute is situated at - Coimbatore.
  85. Adsali Sugarcane crop matures in 18 months.
  86. Father of hybrid rice is - Yuan Long Pin.
  87. India’s first dwarf variety released during 1968 was Jaya.
  88. World’s first high-yielding semi-dwarf basmati rice variety is - Pusa Basmati - 1.
  89. World’s first super rice variety for saline/alkaline soil – Lunishree.
  90. Harvesting of paddy is done at moisture content - 21-23%.
  91. First mutant variety of rice is Jagannath (gamma ray irradiation of T-141).
  92. Which gas is released from the field of paddy - Methane (CH4).
  93. SRI technique was originated in Madagascar in 1987 by Prof. Henry De Laulanie.
  94. First super fine aromatic basmati hybrid is - Pusa RH-10.
  95. Oilseed production program was started during - 1990-91.
  96. Technology Mission on Oilseed was established in 1986.
  97. National Research Centre for Groundnut was established at Junagarh (Gujarat).
  98. Indian Central Oilseed Committee was established in 1947.
  99. All India Coordinated Project on Oilseeds was established during 1967.
  100. Main adulteration in mustard - Argemone mexicana oil.
  101. Mustard fruit is known as - Siliqua
  102. Pungency of mustard is due to - Isothiocyanate
  103. National Seed Corporation was established in March – 1963
  104. Seed Act was passed in - 1966 (29 Dec)
    1. Tetrazolium Test is done for - Viability and Vigour
    2. The Indian Seed Act came into force on - 2 Oct 1969
    3. NSC started functioning in - July 1963
    4. The headquarters of NSC is - Pusa Campus, ND
    5. National Seed Project was launched in – 1976
    6. The world meteorology is derived from - Greek language
    7. International Meteorological Organization was established in – 1873
    8. Division of Agri. Meteorology at Pune, Maharashtra was established in - 1932
    9. Solar radiation is measured by – Pyranometer (total incoming radiations)
    10. Agro-Ecological Zones in India are - 8 (by NARP ICAR), 21 (by NBSSLUP)—but now only 20
    11. Agro-climatic zones (15 nos.) are formed in India during - 7th Five Year Plan (1988)
    12. The greenhouse gases are - CO2, CFC, CH4, etc.
    13. Indian Meteorological Dept. was established in the year of - 1875
    14. Wind velocity is measured by - Anemometer
    15. Father of agro-climatology is - Koppen
    16. Koppen classified the climate based on - Temperature & Precipitation
    17. The study of weather is called – Meteorology
    18. The term weed was firstly used by - Jethrotull
    19. National Research Centre for Weed Science is situated at - Jabalpur (MP)
    20. Commercial mycoherbicides first appeared in the market USA in the early - 1980s
    21. National Horticulture Board was established at - Gurgaon (Haryana)
    22. First All India Coordinated Floriculture Improvement Project was started in - 1971
    23. Central Temperate Horticulture Research Institute is situated at - Srinagar (J&K)
    24. International Institute of Horticulture is situated in – Brazil
    25. Father of pomology – Decandolle
    26. National Horticulture Board was established in the year - 1984
    27. The first Deputy Director General of Horticulture, ICAR - Dr. K.L. Chadha
    28. Which vegetable ranks first among vegetable crops in production in the world – Potato
    29. In India, potato was introduced by Portuguese in - 1965
    30. Research on potato was started at IARI New Delhi in – 1935
    31. The International Potato Centre was established in - 1971 at Lima (Peru)
    32. Central Potato Research Institute was established in – 1949
    33. Seed plant technique was developed by - Dr. Pushkarnath
    34. The headquarters of CPRI was shifted from Patna to Shimla in - 1956
    35. True potato seed concept was first realized to raise a commercial crop in India by Dr. S. Ramanujam (First director of CPRI)
    36. Cauliflower was introduced in India by Dr. Jemson from Kew Garden, London, in the year - 1822
    37. Male sterility in cauliflower was introduced by - Peerson (1981)
    38. The toxic substance of cucurbits is – Cucurbitacin
    39. Which hormones are used in cucurbits to modify sex and to induce femaleness - GA & NAA
    40. Seedless variety of mango is - Sindhu (developed at FRS Vengurula)
    41. Most exported variety of mango is - Alphonso
    42. Black tip in mango is a physiological disorder due to brick clink fumes mostly - CO, SO2, or deficiency of boron
    43. Which type of incompatibility is found in mango - Gametophytic
    44. Mango variety most suitable for high-density planting is - Amarpali
    45. Mango inflorescence contains, which type of flowers - Male and Hermaphrodite
    46. The off-season mango variety is - Niranjan
    47. The only mutant cultivar of mango is – Rosica
    48. Magnifera contains about - 41 species
    49. Regular bearing varieties of mango are - Neelum, Banglora, Pairi, etc.
    50. Mosambi, a sweet orange cultivar, was introduced from - Mozambique
    51. The edible portion of citrus fruits is - Juicy placental hairs
    52. The first record of the name grapefruit in Jamaica was in – 1814
    53. Banana breeding was first started at - Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad (1922)
    54. Banana Breeding was started in India in - 1949 at Central Banana Research Station, Aduthurai (TN)
    55. Banana can be stored at - 13°C and 85% RH
    56. Banana initiates flowering - 9-12 months after Planting
    57. The notice is papaya is - Tropical America
    58. The yellow pigment in papaya is - Caricaxanthin
    59. Papaya is the richest source of vitamin A next to mango; it contains - 2020 IU/100 g fruit
    60. King of temperate fruit is - Apple
    61. Family of apple is - Rosaceae
    62. Mother of all delicious group of cultivars is - Red Delicious
    63. The king of arid fruit is - Ber
    64. The commercial propagation method of grape is - Hardwood cutting
    65. In India, the black soil is mostly found in - Maharashtra
    66. Red soil is mostly found in – Tamilnadu
    67. The soil which is most suitable for most crops is - Sandy loam
    68. Red color in the red soils is due to the presence of various oxides of - Iron
    69. The vertical section of the soil showing the various layers from the surface to the unaffected parent material is known as - Soil profile
    70. The arrangement of soil particles and their aggregate into certain defined is called - Soil structure
    71. Particle density of soil is also known as - True density
    72. Generally, the particle density of normal soil is - 2.65 gram/cm3
    73. The bulk density of normal soil is - 1.33 g/cm3
    74. The formula of porosity of soil is - Porosity = 100-(Bulk density / Particle density)
    75. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite is - 60-100 me/100 gm
    76. The first soil classification system was developed by - Russian scientist Dokuchaev (1880)
    77. In the U.S classification system, the soil orders are – 10
    78. The formula of bulk density is - Wt. of soil / Volume of solids and pores
    79. Law of minimum was given by - Von Liebig (1840)
    80. The topmost mineral horizon is - A horizon
    81. Exchangeable sodium percentage is also known as - Soluble percentage
    82. The term pH was introduced by - Sorensen (1909)
    83. Energy exchange elements are - H & O
    84. K & Na are determined by - Flame Photometer
    85. Micronutrient is also known as - Trace element, Oligo-element, or Spurned elements
    86. Crop logging technique was given by - H. F. Clements
    87. Metal nutrients are - K, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu
    88. Highly mobile nutrients are - N, P, K
    89. Criteria of essentiality were proposed by - Arnon & Stout (1939)
    90. The term fictional nutrient was proposed by - Nicholas (1961)
    91. Moderate mobile nutrient is - Zn
    92. FYM contains - 0.5% N, 0.2 % P2O5 & 0.5 % K2O
    93. P is available at - 6-7 pH
    94. Biofertilizers are - Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, VAM, BGA, etc.
    95. Approx. 20 grams of rhizobium culture are required to treat one kg seed
    96. One packet of rhizobium culture contains - 20 grams of rhizobium culture
Azotobacter is used for - Rice, Cotton, S. Cane

Azospirillum biofertilizer used for - Sorghum

The cytoplasm and nucleus combinedly called - Protoplasm

Cell theory was proposed by - M.J. Schleden and Theodo Schwann

The term Lysosomes was first used by - Dave in 1955

The main function of Golgi bodies is - Packaging of food materials such as protein, lipids, etc.

The function of ribosomes is - Protein synthesis

The term mitochondria was given by - C. Benda (1897)

The simple microscope was invented by - Galileo (1610)

The shortest phase of all mitosis phases is - Anaphase

Meiotic division is also known as - Reducetional division

The term mitosis was coined by - Fleming (1882)

Mitosis occurs in - Somatic cells

Segregation occurs during meiosis

The longest mitotic phase is - Prophase

Absorption Spectrum of photosynthesis is - Blue and Red

Action Spectrum of photosynthesis is - Red and Blue

Dark reaction was discovered by - Blackman

Dark reaction is also known as - Blackman reaction or C3 – cycle

The main site for the dark reaction of photosynthesis is – Stroma

The evaporation of water from plants is called - Transpiration

Evaporation from soil and transpiration combined are called - ET

C4 Plants proposed by - Hatch and Slack (1970)

The dark reaction process of photosynthesis has been named variously - Calvin cycle or Blackman reaction

Light reaction is also known as - Hill reaction

In photosynthesis, solar energy converts into - Chemical energy

The OSMOSIS term was given by - Abble Nollet (1748)

The term “diffusion pressure deficit“ was introduced by - Meyer in 1938

The term Imbibition was coined by - Sachs

Imbibition Pressure is also known as - Matric Potential

Root pressure word was coined by - Stephan Hales
Father of Physiology - Stephan Hales
Soil-less cultivation of plants is known as - Hydroponics
Rate of transpiration is determined by - Potometer
The loss of sap (water) from the injured parts of plants are called - Bleeding
Approximately 90% of the world photosynthesis is carried out by - Marine and freshwater algae
Net production of ATP in Glycolysis is - 2
Growth rate is measured by - Auxanometer & Cresco graph
Photoperiodism term was coined by - TD Lysenko (1920)
Apical Bud dominance is caused by which hormone - Auxin
Which hormone is used as a herbicide? - Auxin
Which hormone is related to drought tolerance? - Abscisic acid (ABA)
Dormancy break by which hormone - Cytokinins
Stress hardening in plants can be active by which hormone - ABA
Fruit ripening hormone is - Ethylene
The term auxin was used by - Frits Went (Holland) 1905
Want’s auxin is now known as - Indole -3-acetic acid (IAA)
Which hormones are the Auxin - IAA, IBA, NAA, 2-4-D, 2,4,5-T’ MCPA, IPA TIBA, etc.
Shedding of plant parts is due to - ABA hormones
Cycocel (CCC) is a growth retardant
The most widely used auxin herbicides are - 2-4-D, 2,4,5-T’ MCPA
Gibberellins were first discovered in - Japan
The hormones also known as - Photo hormones, growth hormones, growth substances
The main auxin is also known as - IAA
Root promoting hormones is - IBA
The precursor of IAA is - Tryptophan
Synthesis of IAA in plants requires - Zinc
The term phytohormone for hormones of plants is suggested by - Thimann (1948)
The term genetic resources was coined by - Frankel
Mendel began his famous experiments on Pea in - 1857
Mendel Paper entitled “Experiments in Plant Hybridization“ was presented in the German Language in two papers in - 1865 (Feb 8 and March 8)
Mendel Paper published in the annual proceeding of society in - 1866
The term “Genetics” was coined by - Bateson (1905)
The term gene, genotype, and phenotype were used by - Johannsen in 1903
Germplasm theory was proposed by - Weismann
Crossing over term was used first time by - Morgan and Cttell in 1911
Operon model of gene regulation was discovered by - Jacob and Monad 1961
The term chromosome was coined by - Waldeyer in 1888
One gene one enzyme hypothesis was proposed by - Beadle and Tatum in 1941
First time gene was divided into cistron, muton, and recon by - Benzer (1955)
Sex chromosomes are also known as - Allosomes
Crossing over occurs in - Pachytene stage
The tendency of two or more genes to remain together in the same chromosome during inheritance is referred to as - Linkage
Chiasma type theory of crossing over was proposed by - Janssens
Genic balance system of sex determination was proposed by - Bridge in 1922
Monogenic sex determination is found in - Asparagus, Papaya, maize, spinach, etc.
The homozygous progeny of a self - pollinated homozygous plant is known as - Pure lines
The concept of pure lines theory was developed by - Johannsen (1903), Danish biologist
Breeding methods for self -pollinated crops are - Pure line selection, Mass Selection, Progeny selection, Bulk Method, Pedigree method, single seed descent method, Back cross Method
A multiline variety is a mixture of - Several pure lines
Bulk method was first used by - Nelson Ehle in 1908
The modification of the bulk method is - Single seed descent
In pure line Theory, Johannsen was working on - Princess variety of Rajma
Mass Pedigree Method was proposed by - Harrington in 1937
The oldest method of selection is - Mass Selection
Progeny test was developed by - Louis de Vilmorin
Progeny Test is also known as - Vilmorin isolation principle
Single seed Descent method applied for the first time in - oat in 1965 by Graphius
The term recurrent selection was coined by - Hull in 1945
The use of synthetic varieties for commercial cultivation was first suggested in maize by - Hayes and Garber, 1919
Synthetic varieties are maintained by - Open Pollination
A synthetic variety can be developed from - Inbreeds, clones, and open-pollinated varieties
The general or basic concept in the development of synthetic varieties is - Exploitation of hybrid vigor
The concept of disruptive mating and selection was developed by - Mather (1953) and Thody (1958)
The Concept of dialed selective mating system was originally developed by - Jonsen in 1970
The heterosis is also known as - Hybrid vigor
The term heterosis was first used by - Shull in 1914
Dominance theory was proposed by - Devenport in 1908
The cross between inbred line and open-pollinated variety was done in - Top cross method
The resistance of the host to the particular race of a pathogen is known as - Vertical resistance
Vertical resistance is governed by - One or a few genes
The resistance of the host to all race of a pathogen is known as - Horizontal resistance
The concept of gene for gene hypothesis was first developed by - Flor in 1946
The disease resistance is governed by - Several genes
Who developed the concept of vertical and horizontal resistance - J. E. Vender Plank (1963)
Father of genetic engineering is - Pual Berg
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed by - Dr. Karl Mullis (1980)
Golden rice was developed by - Ingo Protrykus and Peter Bayer
The plant part, which is used for regeneration is called - Explant
A mass of regenerated cells in a culture medium is called - Callus
The suspension of free cells of callus in a liquid medium is known as - Suspension culture
The regeneration capacity or ability of a plant cell to develop into the whole plant is known as – Totipotency
What is embryogenesis - It is the process of formation of somatic embryos from callus
The process of differentiation of shoot & root from the somatic embryos is called – Organogenesis
Regeneration of the whole plant from the anther is called - Anther culture
Haploids are developed by - Anther culture
The Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe - The marine and aquatic application of biotechnology
The biotechnology applied to the agriculture process is known as - Industrial Biotechnology
The first genetically modified food product was a - Tomato, which was transformed to delay its ripening
M-RNA is primarily used for - Transcription of DNA
RFLP stands for - Restriction fragment length polymorphism
Plant tissue culture was begun by - G. Haberlandt (German botanist) in 1808
Research in the area of tissue culture was first started in India at - Department of Botany, DU in 1960s
National bureau of plant genetics resources is situated at - New Delhi
The project on Indian mustard oil with higher b-carotene is initiated by - TERI
A genotype developed by the process of genetic engineering is called - Transgenic
What is gene cloning - A technique of genetic engineering, which is used to make several identical copies of a gene is called gene cloning
Which soil-borne bacterium is used for the development of transgenic plants - Agrobacterium tumifaciens
In potato, the protein quality has been improved by - Transferring serum albumin gene from human
In tobacco, cold resistance power has been achieved by transferring gene from - Arabidopsis thaliana
Little leaf of citrus is caused by - MLOs
Pahala blighted s.cane is caused due to the deficiency of - Mn
Reclamation disease is caused due to the deficiency of – Cu
Late blight of potato is caused by - Phytophthora infestens (fungi)
Bunchy top of banana is caused by – virus
Grassy shoot disease of s.cane is caused by – mycoplasma
Kresek in rice is caused by - Xanthomonas oryzae
Heart rot of sugar beet is caused by - Deficiency of boron
Most dangerous disease of potato - Late blight of potato
Phloem disease in plants is caused by - Mycoplasma
Clubroot of cauliflower is caused by- Plasmodiosphora brassicae
Sheath blight of rice is caused by- Rhizoctonia solani
Vector of leaf-curl disease in cotton is - Whiteflies
Orobanche is a parasite associated with – tobacco
Akiochi disease is due to - sulphur toxicity
White rust of crucifers is caused by - Albugo candida, fungi
Ufra disease in rice is caused by- Nematode
Whiptail of cauliflower is due to the deficiency of - Mo
Vector of rice tungro virus is - Green leafhopper
Kresek symptom is found in - Bacterial blight
Loose smut disease of wheat is a - Internally seed-borne
Mantek Disease of rice is caused by - Rice root nematode
Yellow leaves of tea occur due to the deficiency of – Sulphur
Dieback of shoots occurs due to the deficiency of - Copper
Dieback is the major disease of rose in India
Crop showing the maximum resistance to nematode is - marigold
The late blight disease destroyed the potato crop of Ireland in 1845
Father of pathology is - Anton de Berry
Father of mycology is - P.A. Micheli
Life cycle of wheat rust is given by - K.C. Mehta
Top sickness of tobacco is caused by - Deficiency of boron
The pathogen associated with the discovery of Bordeaux mixture is - Plasmosphora viticola
Loose smut of wheat can be controlled by seed treatment of – Vitavax
Late blight of potato was introduced in India for the first time in - Nilgiri hills
Black heart of potato is caused by - Poor ventilation in storage (lack of oxygen)
The tundu disease of wheat is usually associated with the nematode known as – Anguina tritici
Udabatta disease of rice is due to -- Ephelis oryzae
Ring rust of Aonla is caused by - Ravenellia emblica var. fructoidae
Flag smut of wheat is caused by - Ustilago gramines
Leaf curl disease of tobacco is caused by virus and it is transmitted by - Whitefly
Leaf blight of cotton is caused by - Alternaria macrospora
Father of nematology – Bastian
Father of Microbiology - Louis Pasteur
Bacterium was discovered by – Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Fungicide used in the control of smut is – Vitavax
Father of modern Plant pathology is - Anton de Berry
Bordeaux mixture was developed by - P.M.A. Millardet
Common nematicides are - DD Mixture, Phorate, Ethylene bromide, etc.
Central Plant protection training institute is situated at - Hyderabad (AP)
First plant protection adviser to the govt. of India - H.S. Pruthvi
Integrated pest control term was coined by - Bartlett (1956)
The Term “Pest Management“ was given by - Geier (1970)
The blood color of insects is - Green with yellow
Honeybees belong to the order of – Hymenoptera
Entomology word was taken from - Greek language
Overhead cost is known as - Fixed cost
Price theory is a branch of - Micro-Economics
Average cost is equal to - Total cost / Output
Land rent is an example of fixed cost
Prime cost is also known as - Variable cost
Opportunity cost is also known as - Alternative cost
The father of economics is - Adam Smith
Diminishing return is also known as - Law of variable
The most effective way to overcome the defects of agricultural marketing is - Regulating marketing
The law of variable proportion is generally referred to as - Law of diminishing return production is a function of - Factors
AGMARK act was enforced in a year – 1937
In mixed farming, the contribution of livestock to gross farm income is at least - 50%
Input-Output relationship is also known as - Production function
Those products in which two products produced together are called - Joint product
Dumping activity is seen under - Monopoly
Export-Import bank of India was set up on - 1st January, 1982
IRDP was started in the year of - 2 Oct, 1980
When marginal production is zero, then total production is – Maximum
National demonstration \project was started in the year - 1960
KVK is also known as - Farm science centre
KVK was started in the year - 1974
Operational Research Project was started in the year - 1974-75
Lab to land program was started in the year - 1979 June 1
National agri. technology project was started in the year 1998-99
KVK was recommended by - Mohan Singh Mehta Committee (1974)
Community Development Project was started on – 1952
National Extension Service (NES) was started in the year of - 1953
Firka Development Scheme was launched under the guidance of the National Commission of Agriculture was set up by the Government of India – 1970
HYVP was started in the year of - 1966
Marthendam program was started by - Dr. Spencer Hatch in 1921
Etawah Pilot project was started by - Mr. Albert Mayer in Sep 1948
Indian village Service was started in 1945 by - Mr. Arther T. Mosher and Shri BN Gupta
The aim of Etawah Pilot project is - Introducing intensive work on the Rural reconstruction front
Intensive Agriculture District program was popularly known as - Package program
IRDP was launched on - 2 Oct 1980
National Agricultural Research project was launched in - Jan, 1979
T&V system was evolved in - 1973 by Israeli expert Daniel Benor At Turkey
Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) in - 1979
Total number of KVK operating in the country till Dec 2011 – 600
Antuadya Yojana was started on - 2 Oct 1977
Sampoorna Grammeen Rojgar Yojna was started in the year of - 2001
FCI was started in - 1970
FISCAL commission was appointed in - 1949
Multiple Cropping Programming was Started in - 1966
First irrigation commission was appointed in - 1901
First deptt. of agriculture was established in - 1881
The extension work must be based on the - Need and interest of people
Father of Extension - J Paul Leagons
Father of Sociology - August Comte
National agricultural innovation project was started in – 2005
Total number of national bureaux are – six
Formula of coefficient of variance is - SD/Mean *100
t Test is generally used, when the sample size is < 30
The correlation coefficient lies between - -1 to +1
The experimental design, which simultaneously controls the variation in two directions is known as - LSD
The basic principles of field experimentation - 1 Replication 2 Randomized 3 Local control
The technique of analysis of variance was developed by - R.A. Fisher
If the fertility gradient of land is in two directions, the experimental design will be - Latin Square design
The most commonly used measure of control tendency is - Arithmetic mean
Cumulative frequency is also known as – Ogive
The term ’ Kurtosis ’ was given by - Karl Pearson (1906)
Laplace used the normal distribution in - Analysis of errors of experiments
The important method of least squares was introduced by - Legendre in 1805
The name “ Normal distribution “ was coined independently by - Peirce Galton and Lexix, (1875)
Normal distribution is also known as - Law of error, law of facility of error, Laplace’s second law, Gaussian law, etc.
Generalize mean is also known as - Power mean or Holder mean
The standard deviation is a widely used measure of - Variability or dispersion
The term standard deviation was first used by - Karl Pearson in 1894
If mean, median and mode are equal, then skewness will be – Zero
Correlations are useful because they can indicate a - Predictive relationship
Which ANOVA is used when the experimenter wants to study the effects of two or more treatment variables - Factorial ANOVA
Which ANOVA is used when the subjects are subject to repeated measures, in which the same subjects are used for each treatment - Two-Way Anova
The completely randomized design is considered to be most useful in situations where 1. The experimental units are homogeneous 2. The experimental are small such as Laboratory experiments 3. Some experimental units are likely to be destroyed
In field experiments, the commonly used design is – RBD
For chi-square test, the minimum sample size should be – 50
Define biometry - It deals with observation with living things
Mean, median and mode are equal in - Normal distribution
The most frequent number in a data set is known as - Mode
The well-known example of skewed distribution is - Personal wealth
Harmonic mean is the - Reciprocal of arithmetic mean
The term z-test is often used to refer specifically to the - One sample location test
t Test is a - Parametric test
The goodness of fit test is also known as - Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
The number of independent pieces of information that go into the estimate of a parameter is called - Degree of freedom
The typical symbol for the degree of freedom is - d.f.
F-test was coined by - George W. Snedecor, in honor of Sir Ronald A Fisher
The term “ water harvesting “ was first used by – Myors
The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward each other is known as - Cohesion
The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward solid particles is known as – Adhesion
The water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by adsorption forces is known as - Hygroscopic water
Water held by the force of surface as a continuous film around soil particles and in capillary space is known as - Capillary water
Capillary water is held between the tension of 31 and 1/3 atmosphere
The movement of water from the surface into the soil is called - Infiltration
The water moves freely in response to gravitational force and drains out of the soil is called as Gravitational water
The water between field capacity & permanent wilting point is called - Available water
Drip irrigation concept was proposed by - Simcha Blass
One ha. Cm of irrigation is equal to - 100,000 liters
The major source of irrigation in India is - Wells (52%)
Which irrigation method is widely used in fruit orchard - Bain method
Intermittent on & off system used in irrigation method is - Siphon
The automatic method of surface irrigation is - Cobblegation
Leading state in drip irrigation in India is - Maharashtra
Soil moisture is measured by - Tension meter
Water requirement of irrigation wetland rice is about - 1500MM
Total water requirement of sugarcane crop is - 200-300 cm
In saline soil, the method for irrigation used is - Flood method
pF value was first introduced by - Schofield
Vertical movement of water in soil is known as – Percolation
ET are measured by – Lysimeter
Parsall flume is used for the measurement of - Water Flow
Sericulture is also known as - Silk Farming
The rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk is known as – Sericulture
How much silkworms are required to produce 1kg of silk - 5500
How many people are engaged in various sericulture activities in the country - 60 lakh
Central Sericulture Research & Training Institute is situated at - Mysore, Karnataka
Sericulture has been practiced for at least 5000 years in China
Apiculture is also known as Beekeeping
Apiculture word was taken from - Latin world
A location where bees are kept is called - An Apiary
A beekeeper is also known as - Apiarist
A beekeeper bee in order to - Collect honey, bee wax, to pollinate crops, to produce bees for sale
What is beekeeping - It is maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans
The two economically important products of beekeeping are - Honey and wax
Average yield of Indian bee is - 6-8 Kg/Colony/year
The main freshwater fish are - Carp and catfish
The main brackish-water fish are - Hilsa and mullet
Central Institute of Marine Fisheries Research was established - Kochi, Kerala
The Central Inland Fisheries Institute was established at - Barrackpore (W.B)
The Central Institute of Fisheries Technology was established at - Wellington Island near Kochi, Kerala
'Hydroponics’ is also known as - Soilless culture
The method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil is called - Hydroponics
In 1699 John Woodward published his water culture experiment with the crop of – Spearmint
Hydroponics is traditionally known as - Solution culture
Who first promoted that solution culture can be used for agricultural crop production - Prof. William Frederich Gericks, University of California at Berkeley in 1929
The term Aquaculture for hydroponics was used for the first time by - Prof. William F.G.
The Mutant Variety of rice is - Jagannath
The Precursor of vitamin - A is - Beta-carotene
Azolla is a - Aquatic fern
The Blue revolution in India was started during - Fifth Five-Year Plan (1970)
Evergreen revolution is related to - Sustainable crop Production
Precision Farming is also known as - Site-specific management
SRI technique was developed in – Madagascar
The term synecology was given by - Schroter & Kirchner (1902)
Pusa Mukta is the cultivar of - Cabbage
World’s super rice variety, which is suitable for saline/alkaline soil conditions is – Lunishree
NRCMAP is currently established at - Anand (Gujarat)
IPR stands for - Intellectual Property Right
Beaufort Scale is used to measure - Wind pressure/strength
What is dioeciously? - Those plants which contain only male and female flowers
The element that plays an important role in male and female protoplasm constituent is – Calcium
Wheat is a C3 plant
The plant parasite nematode was first time reported by - Kanche
Mean, Median, and Mode are equal in - Normal distribution
The inflorescence of jowar is called – Panicle
Gromer, SCU, and CDU are - Slow-release fertilizers
Law of tolerance was introduced by - SHELFORD
End product of glycolysis is – Pyruvate
Define lithophytes - The plant grown in rock crevices are called lithophytes
During glycolysis, the net gain of ATP is - 2
Phosphorus is extracted by - Olsen method
The correlation between price and demand of a commodity is – Negative
The limit of the partial correlation coefficient is - -1 to +1
For reclamation of saline and alkaline soils, used are - Gypsum and Pyrite
The term ecosystem was coined by - A.G.Tansley (1935)
What is parthenocarpy? - The development of fruit without fertilization
The development of an embryo without fertilization is called - Apomixis
Relative humidity is measured by - Psychrometer
Father of Indian pale botany is - Birbal Sahni
The weed used for ornamental purposes is - Lantana Camara
The core component of chlorophyll is – Mg
Soybean is sown at the depth of - 3 cm
The most prominent soil of India is - Alluvial soil
Chiasma is seen during - Diplotene sub-phase
The current method used for the control of bollworm in cotton is - Bt. transgenic cotton produced
Photo-Respiration occurs in – Chloroplast
Water use efficiency is highest in which plants - CAM Plants
Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by - Sutton & Boveri
The price fixed by the government is called - Minimum support price
The present farming system of India has become - Market-oriented
Which chemical is mostly used for breaking tuber dormancy in potato? - Thiourea
The term water harvesting was first used by - Mayers
The first commercial hybrid cotton in the world is - Hybrid-4
International Day for biological diversity is - 22 May
Measuring of heights one by – Clinometer
The number of electrons for the conversion of No3 to NH4 is - 16
Bangalore is also known as - Garden city
The origin of the potato is from - Peru (S. America)
Dormancy-breaking hormone is – Cytokinin
The element involved in energy transfer and storage in plants is - Phosphorus
Fruit ripening hormone is – Ethylene
Which is the antidote for insect poisoning? - Atropine
Minimum support price is formulated by - CACP (total 28 crops)
Luxury consumption or maximum uptake nutrient is - K
Crop canopy temperature is measured by - Infrared thermometer
Secondary Plant nutrients are - Ca, Mg, & S
Hulling percentage in rice is - 65%
The first agriculture chemist of Imperial Agricultural Research Station was
Which method of sugarcane sowing prevents lodging? - Trench method
Inflorescence of sugarcane is called – Arrow
Shedding of plant parts is due to - ABA hormone
The first hybrid in the world of red gram is - ICPH-8
The most preferable soil structure for agriculture is - Granular & Crumby
Taxonomically, organic soils are – Histosols
Which soil is most suitable for dryland agriculture? - Black soil
The first man-made cereal is – Triticale
Dead heart and white ear disease are related to – Rice
IBPGR is situated at - Italy, Rome
India’s share in the fruit production in the world is - 10%
What is relay cropping? - The second crop sown before harvesting the first crop
Measurement of sunlight intensity is expressed in - Lux units (old)/Einstein (new)
In waterlogged arid gas found in abundance – Methane
Curing process is related to the crop - Tobacco
The book “Nature & Properties of Soil” is written by - N.C. Brady
The chemical used for delinting of cotton is - H2SO4
The maximum N loss in the rice crop is due to - Denitrification
Wind velocity can be measured by – Anemometer
Queen of spices is – Cardamom
Buckwheat is called - Pseudo cereal
A very dangerous disease of sugarcane is - Red rot
World’s staple food is - Rice
The fiber of cotton contains – Cellulose
Movement from higher concentration to lower concentration is known as - Diffusion
Gold of America is known as - Soybean
The formula of the Net Capital ratio is - Total assets/Total liabilities
The theory of evolution was given by - Charles Darwin
Which Indian Scientist shared the world food prize for miracle maize? - Dr. Surinder K. Vasal
ICAR day is celebrated on - 16 July
Light red carnation represents - Admiration
ANOVA table stands for analysis of - Variance
The formula of the harvest index is - Economical yield/Biological yield * 100
RBI was established in - 1935
Who discovered vitamin – Funk
Regur soil refers to - Black soil
The biologically active form of glucose is - D-form
Lodging preventer is - CCC (Cycocel)
FAO was started in - 1948
Which design is used when the fertility gradient is in two directions? – LSD
An international pest is - Schistocerca gregaria
Bhoodan movement was started in - 1951
Cooperative movement was started by - F. Nicholus (1904)
Flared square symptoms are seen in cotton due to - Spotted bollworm
CAN is a - Neutral fertilizer
Root-promoting hormone is - IBA
Ooze test is done for detecting - Bacteria
The first product of urea hydrolysis is - Ammonium Carbamate
NABARD was set up on the recommendation of - Siva Raman committee, Narsimhan Committee 1982
The trade name of BHC is - Grammexone
Who discovered mitochondria? - C. Benda (1897)
Bt cotton was discovered in - 1901, Japan by Ishwata
The term cytokinin was proposed by - Letham (1963)
Kinetin and zeatin are - Cytokinins
Photosynthesis is an - Oxidation-Reduction process
The largest importer of cut flowers in the world is - Germany
Gibberellin was discovered for the first time by - Kurosowa
Water-soluble vitamin is - Vitamin C
Greenhouse effect is also known as - Global warming
VAM acts as a - Symbiotic association
LEISA stands for - Less External Input Sustainable Agriculture
The Blue Revolution in India was started during - Fifth Five-Year Plan (1970)
Who discovered the pH concept? – Sorenson
DRIS concept given by – Beaufils
The term ‘remote sensing’ was first used in – USA
Acidity in gram leaves is due to - Malic acid/oxalic acid
Photosynthetic rate is highest in which plants - C4 Plants
Lock and Key Model was proposed by - Fisher
Anti-Sterility vitamin is - Vitamin E
Double seed formation in cotton is due to - Pink bollworm
Forest conservation act was made in – 1980
Neutral parthenocarpy is found in – Banana
The term vernalization was coined by - TD Lysenco
Chemical relationship is done between two cells by - Plasmodesmata
White revolution was accomplished by which scientist - V. Kurien
How much time is needed for sterilization in an autoclave? - 15 minutes
In which bacterial reproduction phase, a virus is involved? – Transduction
The first plant flower mandi was situated at - Bangalore
The Regional Plant Resource Centre is situated at – Bhubaneswar
Cultivation of crops in areas where the annual rainfall is less than 750 mm is called - Dry Farming
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute is situated at - Karnal (HR)
What is the ideal location for a greenhouse? - North – South
According to ICMR, the vegetable required per capita per day is - 300 grams
Biggest tree of the world is - Banyan tree
Kisan call center begun in the year - 2004
Net cultivated area of India is – 143 million hectares
Kisan divas is celebrated on - 23 Dec
The share of agriculture in global warming is - Approx. 25%
Environment day is celebrated on - 5th June
Which element is responsible for nodulation in legumes - Phosphorous
Fingerprinting is related to which crop – Pineapple

Yellow vein mosaic virus disease is related to - Bhindi

Which clay mineral is dominant in Black soil - Montmorillonite

Sprouting in onion is controlled by the hormone of – MH (Maleic Hydrazide)

Which chemical/hormone is used for regular bearing in mango - Paclobutrazol (PP333)

High yielding variety of wheat was developed by - Borlaug

Breakdown of clods, crusts, and plant material by the impact of particles moved by wind in saltation is called - Abrasion

A soil with a pH value less than 7, hence having more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions in the soil solution is called - Acid Soil

The movement of ions and water into the plant root because of metabolic processes by the root, frequently against an electrochemical potential gradient is referred to as - Active absorption

The chemical in a commercial product that is directly responsible for the herbicidal activity is called its - Active ingredient

The transfer of heat energy by means of horizontal mass motions through a medium is termed as - Advection

A technique in growing plants wherein the plants derive their nutrients and water from a mist of air and aqueous solution that comes in contact with the roots is called - Aerophonics

A term proposed by McGillchrist in 1965, which is a measure of how much a relative yield increase in component A is greater than for component B is known as - Aggressivity

The removal of excess water known as free water or gravitational water from the surface of the farmland as to create favorable soil conditions for plant growth is called - Agricultural drainage

The growing of agricultural crops along with the forest crop is known as - Agro-silviculture

A land unit defined in terms of major climate and growing period, which is climatically the homogenous response of a crop or a farming system is called as - Agro-climatic zone

An alternative renewable fuel, produced from vegetable oils or animal fats through a refinery process called trans-esterification is called as - Bio-diesel

In India, NRC for medicine and aromatic plants is located at - Anand

A branch of science that deals with the study of grasses, their classification, management, and utilization is called - Agrostology

The area that comprises all the areas from which water flows out into a common river or water pool is called as - Catchment Area

A branch of science that studies the aspects of climate, which are relevant to the problems of agriculture is called - Agro-climatology

A medium that resists change or a substance added to resist changes in concentration of pH activity in a solution is called as - Buffer

The crop that is grown as a substitute for the main crop that has failed on account of unfavorable conditions is called as - Catch crop

The ratio of total cropped area in different seasons to the total land area is known as - Cropping intensity

The branch of agriculture that deals with scientific crop production and management is – Agronomy

Cultivation of crops in areas where rainfall is less than 750 mm per annum is known as - Dry farming

The study of the inter-relationship of living organisms with each other and with their environment in an agricultural system is called as - Agro-ecology

The crops that are grown to break the continuity of the agro-ecological situation of the field under multiple cropping systems are called as - Break crop

The competitive interaction between the crop species in intercropping and sequential cropping through the release of chemical substances or toxins is called - Allelopathy

The chemical substance released by one species may inhibit more strongly plants of the producer species itself is termed as - Auto-inhibition

The production technique that combines agriculture and forestry, horticulture, or animal husbandry on the same piece of land in order to fully utilize the natural resources is called as - Agro-forestry

The fraction of the total solar radiation incident on a body that is reflected by it and expressed in %age is called as – Albedo

A substance added to a soil for the improvement of its physical and chemical properties is called as – Ameliorant

An appropriate combination of farm enterprises, i.e., cropping system, livestock, poultry, fisheries, forestry, and the means available to the farmer to raise them for increasing profitability is called as - Farming systems

The scientist who has been called the father of organic farming is - Albert Howard

The process of the use of micro-organisms to remove salts from soil is referred to as – Bioremediation

The organization that is related to the export of ’Agricultural processed product’ is - Agri-export zone

“Sugarcane Breeding Institute” is located at - Coimbatore

The ratio between water deficit to potential evapotranspiration and expressed in %age is termed as - Aridity index

A term given by Donald in 1963, which is a measure to find out the yield of various crops when grown together as well as separately and indicating the yield per plant of different crops in mixture and their respective pure stand on a unit's basis is known as - Competition Index

A biological model that is expected to perform or behave in a predictable manner in a defined environment is known as - Ideotype

The gene responsible for dwarfing characters in rice is - Dee-Gee-Woo-gen


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