SOIL 532 Management of Problem Soils and Waters 3(2+1)


SOIL 532 Management of Problem Soils and Waters 3(2+1)

Area and distribution of problem soils – acidic, saline, sodic and physically degraded soils

Problem soils can be classified into several types based on their characteristics and the issues they pose for plant growth. The main types of problem soils include acidic soils, saline soils, sodic soils, and physically degraded soils. Here's a brief overview of each:

Acidic Soils:

Characteristics: Acidic soils have a low pH, typically below 7.0. This low pH can result from the accumulation of hydrogen ions, aluminum toxicity, or the leaching of basic cations.
Issues: Acidic soils can limit nutrient availability, affect microbial activity, and lead to the toxicity of certain elements like aluminum. Many plants have a narrow pH range for optimal growth, and acidic soils can affect their ability to absorb essential nutrients.

Saline Soils:

Characteristics: Saline soils contain elevated levels of soluble salts, such as sodium chloride. High salinity can be caused by natural processes (e.g., weathering of minerals) or anthropogenic activities (e.g., irrigation with salty water).
Issues: Excess salts can disrupt the osmotic balance of plant cells, reducing water uptake. Salinity can also lead to nutrient imbalances and hinder seed germination. Some plants are more tolerant to saline conditions than others.

Sodic Soils:

Characteristics: Sodic soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium ions. This can lead to the dispersion of soil particles, resulting in poor soil structure and reduced permeability.

Issues: Sodic soils often have poor water infiltration and drainage. The dispersion of soil particles can create a hard, compacted surface. Additionally, the high sodium content can interfere with the uptake of essential nutrients by plants.

Physically Degraded Soils:

Characteristics: Physically degraded soils have poor structure and texture, often resulting from compaction, erosion, or excessive tillage.
Issues: Compacted soils have reduced pore space, limiting water infiltration and root growth. Erosion removes the topsoil,which is rich in nutrients, and can lead to the loss of soil fertility. Poor soil structure affects water retention and drainage.

Distribution:The distribution of these problem soils can vary globally and is influenced by factors such as climate, geology, land use, and human activities.

For example, acidic soils may be found in regions with high rainfall, where leaching of basic ions occurs. Saline soils are often found in arid and semi-arid regions where evaporation exceeds precipitation, leading to the accumulation of salts. Sodic soils may result from irrigation with sodium-rich water.

Physically degraded soils can be found in areas with intensive agricultural practices, improper land management, or in regions prone to erosion.

Origin and basic concept of problematic soils, and factors responsible

The origin of problematic soils and their basic concepts are rooted in the complex interactions between geological, climatic, and anthropogenic factors. Several factors contribute to the development of problematic soils, and understanding these factors is crucial for effective soil management. Here are key concepts and factors:

Parent Material:The type of rock or sediment from which soils develop, known as parent material, plays a significant role in soil characteristics. Different parent materials contribute varying mineral compositions, influencing soil pH, texture, and nutrient content.

Climate:Climate, particularly precipitation and temperature patterns, affects soil formation. In regions with high rainfall, leaching can lead to the development of acidic soils, while arid climates may result in the accumulation of salts due to evaporation exceeding precipitation.

Topography:The landscape and topography influence water movement, drainage, and erosion. Sloping terrain can lead to soil erosion, which depletes topsoil and contributes to the degradation of soil structure.

Vegetation and Microorganisms:Plants and microorganisms contribute to the organic matter content of soils. Decomposing plant material adds organic matter, affecting soil structure and nutrient availability. Certain plants can also influence soil pH.

Time:Soil formation is a gradual process that occurs over extended periods. The time factor allows for the weathering of minerals, the accumulation of organic matter, and the development of distinct soil horizons.

Human Activities:Anthropogenic activities can significantly impact soil properties. Deforestation, agriculture, improper irrigation practices, and urbanization can lead to soil degradation, compaction, and changes in soil chemistry.

Irrigation Practices:The quality of irrigation water can contribute to soil salinity and sodicity. The use of water containing high levels of salts or sodium can lead to the accumulation of these problematic elements in the soil over time.

Industrial Pollution:Industrial activities can introduce pollutants into the soil, affecting its quality. Heavy metals, for example, may accumulate in soils near industrial sites, rendering them unsuitable for agriculture.

Land Use and Management: Intensive agricultural practices, improper land management, and overexploitation of soil resources can lead to soil erosion, compaction, and nutrient depletion. Monoculture and excessive use of fertilizers can also contribute to soil imbalances.

Geological Processes: Geological processes such as weathering, erosion, and deposition influence the composition of soils. The breakdown of rocks over time contributes minerals to the soil, shaping its physical and chemical properties.

Morphological features of saline, sodic and saline-sodic soils

Saline, sodic, and saline-sodic soils exhibit distinct morphological features that reflect their specific chemical and physical characteristics. Here are the morphological features of each soil type:

Saline Soils:

Color: Saline soils often have a white or light gray color due to the accumulation of salts.

Surface Crusts: The surface of saline soils may develop crusts or efflorescence of salts due to evaporation.

Vegetation: Plant growth is generally sparse, and vegetation may consist of halophytic (salt-tolerant) species adapted to high salt concentrations.

Soil Structure: Saline soils may have a dispersed soil structure, with poor aggregation due to the presence of soluble salts.

Sodic Soils:

Color: Sodic soils often have a dark color, and they may appear glistening when wet.

Surface Cracking: One of the characteristic features of sodic soils is the development of large surface cracks when the soil dries. These cracks result from the swelling and shrinking of clay minerals in response to changes in soil moisture.

Poor Infiltration: Sodic soils have poor water infiltration and drainage, leading to waterlogging in some areas.

Reduced Soil Aggregation: The presence of excess sodium can lead to the breakdown of soil aggregates, resulting in a structureless and easily erodible soil.

Saline-Sodic Soils:

Combined Features: Saline-sodic soils exhibit a combination of features from both saline and sodic soils, as they contain elevated levels of both salts and sodium.

Surface Crusts: Similar to saline soils, saline-sodic soils may develop surface crusts due to the presence of salts.

Sodic Features: The soil may display the characteristic cracking and poor infiltration associated with sodic soils.

Vegetation: Plant growth may be inhibited, and the vegetation may consist of species adapted to both saline and sodic conditions.

Characterization of salt-affected soils - soluble salts, ESP, pH; physical, chemical and microbiological properties

Salt-affected soils can be characterized by various physical, chemical, and microbiological properties. Here's an overview of the key parameters used in the characterization of salt-affected soils:

Physical Properties:

Texture: The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in the soil influence its texture. Salt-affected soils may exhibit changes in texture due to the accumulation of salts.

Structure: The structure of the soil refers to the arrangement of soil particles into aggregates. Saline and sodic soils often have poor soil structure, leading to issues like dispersion in sodic soils and the formation of crusts in saline soils.

Porosity: Porosity is the volume of pore space in the soil. Saline and sodic soils may experience changes in porosity, affecting water infiltration and drainage.

Electrical Conductivity (EC): EC is a measure of the soil's ability to conduct an electrical current, which is influenced by the concentration of dissolved salts. High EC values indicate elevated salt levels in the soil.

Chemical Properties:

Soluble Salts: The concentration of soluble salts in the soil solution is a key parameter. This includes ions such as sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl-), sulfate (SO4²-), and carbonate (CO3²-). Salinity is often expressed in terms of electrical conductivity (EC).

Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP): ESP represents the proportion of sodium ions on the soil exchange complex. High ESP values indicate sodicity, which can lead to soil structure problems. 

Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Saline soils may be alkaline, while sodic soils tend to have elevated pH values. pH affects nutrient availability and microbial activity.

Microbiological Properties:

Microbial Activity: High salinity or sodicity can impact microbial activity in the soil. Some microorganisms are more tolerant to these conditions than others. Changes in microbial populations can influence nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition.

Soil Respiration: Soil respiration, the release of carbon dioxide by soil microorganisms, can be used as an indicator of microbial activity. Salinity and sodicity can affect microbial respiration rates.

Microbial Diversity: Salt-affected soils may experience changes in microbial diversity. Understanding the composition of microbial communities can provide insights into the soil's health and functioning.

Other Properties:

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): CEC is the ability of the soil to hold and exchange cations (positively charged ions). Saline and sodic soils may exhibit changes in CEC, particularly in sodic soils where sodium can replace other cations on the exchange complex.

Boron and Heavy Metals: Elevated levels of certain elements, such as boron and heavy metals, may be present in salt-affected soils, impacting plant growth.

Management of salt-affected soils

Managing salt-affected soils is essential for sustaining agricultural productivity and preventing further soil degradation. The approach to management varies depending on the type and severity of salt-related issues, whether it's salinity, sodicity, or a combination of both. Here are some common strategies for managing salt-affected soils:

1. Leaching:

Objective: To remove excess salts from the root zone.

Method: Apply sufficient irrigation water to the soil to leach out the salts. The leachate can be collected and properly disposed of to avoid contaminating water sources.

2. Improving Drainage:

Objective: Enhance water movement through the soil, preventing salt accumulation.


Install drainage systems such as subsurface drains or open ditches.

Implement contour plowing to reduce surface water runoff and erosion.

3. Gypsum Application:

Objective: Address sodicity issues by replacing sodium on the soil exchange complex.

Method: Apply gypsum (calcium sulfate) to the soil, which can improve soil structure and promote the flocculation of clay particles.

4. Crop Selection:

Objective: Choose crops that are tolerant to specific salt and sodicity levels.

Method: Select salt-tolerant crops or varieties adapted to the prevailing soil conditions. Some crops, known as halophytes, are specifically adapted to grow in saline environments.

5. Amendments and Organic Matter:

Objective: Improve soil structure and fertility.


Incorporate organic matter into the soil to enhance its structure.

Use soil amendments like compost to increase microbial activity and nutrient availability.

6. Avoiding Over-Irrigation:

Objective: Preventing the buildup of salts through proper water management.


Implement efficient irrigation practices, such as drip or sprinkler systems.

Schedule irrigation based on crop water needs to avoid excess water application.

7. Buffer Zones:

Objective: Create vegetative buffer zones to mitigate the impact of salts.

Method: Plant salt-tolerant vegetation around the edges of fields to act as a buffer and reduce the movement of salts into productive areas.

8. Soil Amendments for Heavy Metals:

Objective: Address contamination with heavy metals.

Method: Use soil amendments such as lime or organic matter to immobilize or reduce the availability of heavy metals.

9. Crop Rotation:

Objective: Break the cycle of salt accumulation and promote soil health.

Method: Rotate crops to diversify nutrient demands and reduce the risk of specific crops being adversely affected by soil salinity or sodicity.

10. Monitoring and Testing:

Objective: Regularly assess soil conditions to guide management decisions.

Method: Conduct soil tests to monitor changes in salt levels, pH, and nutrient content. Adjust management practices based on the results.

11. Reclamation and Afforestation:

Objective: Rehabilitate degraded salt-affected areas.


Plant salt-tolerant trees or shrubs for afforestation.

Implement reclamation techniques to restore soil fertility and structure.

12. Government Policies and Support:

Objective: Encourage sustainable land use and provide support to affected farmers.


Implement policies promoting sustainable agriculture.

Provide financial incentives or technical support for adopting appropriate soil management practices.

Salt tolerance of crops - mechanism and ratings

The salt tolerance of crops refers to the ability of plants to withstand and grow in soils with elevated salt concentrations. It is a crucial factor in agricultural productivity, especially in regions where soil salinity is a challenge. The mechanisms of salt tolerance in crops are diverse, and the tolerance level varies among different plant species and varieties. Here are some key mechanisms and general ratings of salt tolerance for crops:

Mechanisms of Salt Tolerance:

Ion Exclusion:

Some plants can selectively absorb essential ions (e.g., potassium) while excluding harmful ions (e.g., sodium) from entering their roots.

Salt Dilution:

Certain crops can maintain high water uptake, diluting the concentration of salts within their tissues.

Osmotic Adjustment: 

Salt-tolerant plants can accumulate organic solutes, such as sugars and amino acids, to maintain water uptake and osmotic balance.

Ion Compartmentalization:

Some plants can sequester salts in specific cellular compartments, reducing their harmful effects on essential cellular processes.

Root Morphology:

Plants with a deep and extensive root system can explore larger soil volumes, potentially encountering lower salt concentrations.

Biochemical and Enzymatic Responses:

Salt-tolerant plants often exhibit specific biochemical and enzymatic responses to cope with oxidative stress and other adverse effects caused by high salt levels.

Ratings of Salt Tolerance:

Crop salt tolerance is often categorized into several classes based on the ability of plants to tolerate increasing levels of salinity. Ratings may vary, but the following general classifications are commonly used:

Highly Salt-Tolerant:

Plants in this category can grow well in soils with high salt concentrations. Examples include certain varieties of barley, quinoa, and some halophytic species.

Moderately Salt-Tolerant:

These crops can tolerate moderate levels of soil salinity. Examples include some varieties of wheat, certain types of beans, and certain fruit crops like citrus.

Moderately Salt-Sensitive:

Crops in this category have limited tolerance to salinity and may exhibit reduced growth and yields under moderately saline conditions. Examples include maize and cotton.


These crops are highly susceptible to soil salinity, and their growth and yields are significantly affected even under low to moderate salt levels. Examples include most varieties of rice and many vegetables.

It's important to note that salt tolerance can vary within a species, and breeding programs often aim to develop more salt-tolerant cultivars. Additionally, the stage of plant growth and development can influence salt tolerance, with some crops being more sensitive during germination or flowering.

Monitoring of soil salinity in the field

Monitoring soil salinity in the field is crucial for understanding the level of salt content and its potential impact on plant growth. Regular monitoring allows farmers and land managers to implement appropriate management practices to mitigate the effects of soil salinity. Here are several methods for monitoring soil salinity in the field:

1. Electrical Conductivity (EC) Measurement:


Measure the electrical conductivity of a soil extract or the soil solution using a handheld EC meter.

Insert the EC probe into the soil, and the meter will provide a reading that correlates with the soil's salt concentration.


EC is commonly used as an indicator of overall salinity levels in the soil.

2. Soil Sampling and Laboratory Analysis:


Collect soil samples from different depths and locations in the field.

Submit the samples to a soil testing laboratory for detailed analysis, including measurements of EC and soluble ion concentrations.


Laboratory analysis provides accurate and comprehensive information on soil salinity and nutrient levels.

3. Saturation Extract Method:


Collect soil samples and create a saturated soil paste.

Extract the soil solution from the paste and measure the electrical conductivity of the extract.


This method is useful for assessing the saturation extract salinity, which indicates the soil's potential for salinity-related issues.

4. Handheld Salinity Meters:


Use handheld salinity meters specifically designed for field use.

These meters often provide quick readings of soil salinity levels by direct insertion into the soil.


Handheld meters are portable and convenient for on-the-spot measurements.

5. EC Mapping:


Use GPS-enabled EC mapping devices to assess spatial variability of soil salinity.

Create maps that depict different salinity levels across the field.


EC mapping helps in precision agriculture, allowing for targeted management practices.

6. Plant Tissue Analysis:


Collect plant tissue samples and analyze them for salt concentration.

The concentration of ions in plant tissues can indicate the level of salt stress.


Plant tissue analysis provides insights into how plants are responding to soil salinity.

7. Remote Sensing:


Use remote sensing technologies, such as satellite or drone imagery, to assess vegetation health and indirectly infer soil salinity levels.

Certain spectral bands can provide information about plant stress related to salinity.


Remote sensing allows for large-scale monitoring and is useful for identifying areas with potential salinity issues.

8. Salt Tolerance Indicator Plants:


Plant salt-tolerant indicator crops in the field.

Monitor the growth and appearance of these indicator plants to assess the severity of soil salinity.


Some plants are more sensitive to salt stress, making them useful indicators of soil salinity levels.

Management principles for sandy, clayey, red lateritic and dry land soils

Each soil type—sandy, clayey, red lateritic, and dry land soils—presents unique challenges and opportunities for agricultural management. Tailoring management practices to suit the specific characteristics of each soil type is crucial for optimizing productivity and sustainability. Here are some general principles for managing each of these soil types:

1. Sandy Soils:


Low water and nutrient retention.

Rapid drainage and leaching.

Management Principles:

Organic Matter Addition: Incorporate organic amendments to improve water and nutrient retention.

Mulching: Use mulch to reduce evaporation and conserve moisture.

Frequent Irrigation: Implement frequent, light irrigation to meet the water needs of crops.

Selecting Appropriate Crops: Choose crops adapted to sandy soils with lower water and nutrient requirements.

2. Clayey Soils:


Poor drainage and aeration.

Susceptibility to compaction.

Management Principles:

Organic Matter Addition: Enhance soil structure and water retention by adding organic matter.

Crop Rotation: Implement crop rotation to diversify nutrient demands and break pest and disease cycles.

Conservation Tillage: Use conservation tillage practices to reduce soil compaction and erosion.

Gypsum Application: Apply gypsum to improve drainage and mitigate sodicity.

3. Red Lateritic Soils:


Low fertility and nutrient availability.

Susceptibility to erosion.

Management Principles:

Nutrient Management: Address nutrient deficiencies through the application of fertilizers and organic amendments.

Cover Cropping: Use cover crops to protect the soil from erosion and enhance organic matter content.

Terracing: Implement terracing to reduce water runoff and soil erosion on sloping lateritic soils.

Agroforestry: Integrate trees and shrubs into agricultural systems to enhance nutrient cycling and soil fertility.

4. Dryland Soils:


Limited water availability.

Risk of soil erosion.

Management Principles:

Water Conservation Practices: Implement water conservation techniques such as rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation.

Mulching: Use mulch to conserve soil moisture and control soil temperature.

Drought-Tolerant Crops: Select crops adapted to dry conditions.

Contour Plowing: Use contour plowing to minimize water runoff and reduce soil erosion.

General Principles for All Soil Types:

Soil Testing:

Regularly conduct soil tests to assess nutrient levels and pH, guiding fertilizer application and soil amendments.

Crop Rotation: Rotate crops to disrupt pest and disease cycles and balance nutrient demands.

Conservation Practices: Implement conservation practices, such as cover cropping and contour plowing, to prevent soil erosion and improve soil structure.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Use IPM strategies to manage pests and diseases, reducing reliance on chemical inputs.

Precision Agriculture: Employ precision agriculture technologies to optimize resource use and tailor management practices to specific areas within a field.

Adaptation to Climate Variability: Develop strategies to adapt to climate variability, including droughts or excessive rainfall, by selecting resilient crops and adjusting planting schedules.

Acid soils - nature of soil acidity, sources of soil acidity

Acid soils are characterized by a low pH, meaning they have an excess of hydrogen ions (H⁺) relative to hydroxide ions (OH⁻). The low pH in these soils is primarily attributed to the presence of acidic substances and processes. Understanding the nature of soil acidity and the sources contributing to it is essential for effective soil management. Here are the key aspects:

Nature of Soil Acidity:

Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH):

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. In soils, pH ranges from 0 to 14, with values below 7 indicating acidity. Acid soils typically have a pH below 7, and the lower the pH, the more acidic the soil.

Hydrogen Ion Activity:

In acid soils, hydrogen ions are more active than hydroxide ions. This imbalance results in increased acidity.

Aluminum and Manganese Toxicity:

Soil acidity can lead to the release of toxic levels of aluminum and manganese, particularly in the soil solution. These elements can adversely affect plant root development and nutrient uptake.

Reduced Nutrient Availability:

Soil acidity can reduce the availability of essential nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. This limitation can impact plant growth and development.

Sources of Soil Acidity:

Rainfall and Weathering:

Carbonic Acid Formation: Rainwater reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, forming carbonic acid (H₂CO₃), which contributes to soil acidity through weathering of minerals.

Decomposition of Organic Matter:

Humic and Fulvic Acids: As organic matter decomposes, organic acids, such as humic and fulvic acids, are released into the soil. These acids contribute to soil acidity.

Oxidation of Sulfur Compounds:

Sulfuric Acid Formation: Oxidation of sulfur-containing compounds in the soil, particularly sulfide minerals, can lead to the formation of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), contributing to soil acidity.

Nitrification Process:

Nitric Acid Formation: During the nitrification process, where ammonium (NH₄⁺) is converted to nitrate (NO₃⁻) by soil bacteria, nitric acid (HNO₃) is produced, contributing to soil acidity.

Mining Activities:

Acid Mine Drainage: Mining activities can expose sulfide minerals to air and water, leading to the production of sulfuric acid. Acid mine drainage can significantly acidify nearby soils and water bodies.

Fertilizer Application:

Ammonium-based Fertilizers: Fertilizers containing ammonium (NH₄⁺) can undergo nitrification, leading to the production of nitric acid and contributing to soil acidity.

Plant Root Activity:

Root Exudates: Some plant species release organic acids through their root systems, contributing to localized soil acidity.

Industrial Emissions: Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂) Emissions: Industrial activities that release sulfur dioxide can contribute to soil acidity through the formation of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, which subsequently falls to the ground.

Soil Buffering Capacity:Soil buffering capacity refers to the ability of a soil to resist changes in pH. Soils with high buffering capacity can resist rapid changes in acidity or alkalinity, while low-buffering soils may undergo pH fluctuations more easily.

Soil acidity effect on plant growth and lime requirement of acid soils

Soil acidity can have significant effects on plant growth, nutrient availability, and overall soil health. The degree of impact depends on the severity of soil acidity and the sensitivity of the plants involved. Lime, in the form of agricultural lime (usually calcium carbonate or dolomite), is commonly used to mitigate soil acidity. Here are the effects of soil acidity on plant growth and the lime requirement for acid soils:

Effects of Soil Acidity on Plant Growth:

Nutrient Availability:

Impact: Soil acidity affects the availability of essential nutrients. In acidic soils, aluminum and manganese can become more soluble and toxic to plants, while the availability of important nutrients like phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium decreases.

Consequences: Nutrient deficiencies can result in stunted growth, chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), and overall poor plant health.

Root Development:

Impact: Acidic soils can inhibit root development due to aluminum toxicity and reduced nutrient availability.

Consequences: Limited root growth hampers the plant's ability to explore the soil for nutrients and water, affecting overall plant performance.

Microbial Activity:bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi.

Consequences: Reduced microbial activity negatively impacts nutrient cycling and the availability of nitrogen, further affecting plant growth.

Plant Species Sensitivity:

Impact: Different plant species and varieties have varying tolerances to soil acidity. Some plants are more sensitive to acidic conditions than others.

Consequences: In acid soils, selecting plant species adapted to these conditions is crucial for successful cultivation.

Lime Requirement of Acid Soils:

Neutralization of Soil Acidity:

Purpose: The primary goal of liming is to neutralize soil acidity by raising the pH.

Process: Lime reacts with soil acidity by releasing calcium ions, which replace hydrogen ions. This reaction results in the formation of water and carbon dioxide.

Types of Lime:

Calcium Carbonate (CaCO₃): Commonly used to raise pH in soils with adequate magnesium levels.

Dolomitic Lime (CaMg(CO₃)₂): Contains both calcium and magnesium and is used when magnesium levels are low.

Calculation of Lime Requirement:

Soil Testing: Before applying lime, it is essential to conduct a soil test to determine the initial pH and the lime requirement.

Buffer pH: The buffer pH is often used to estimate lime requirement. It considers the soil's buffering capacity, or its ability to resist changes in pH.

Lime Application Rates:

Calculation: Lime application rates are determined based on the target pH, the current pH, and the buffering capacity of the soil.

Rate Adjustments: The rate may be adjusted based on the type of crop, soil texture, and the specific needs of the plants.

Timing of Lime Application:

Pre-Planting: Lime is often applied before planting, allowing time for the soil to react and reach the desired pH.

Regular Monitoring: Periodic soil testing helps assess the need for additional lime applications over time.

Application Methods:

Incorporation: Lime can be incorporated into the soil through mechanical means or tillage.

Surface Application: In some cases, lime is applied to the soil surface and relies on natural processes, such as rain, to move it into the soil.

Management of acid and acid sulphate soils

Managing acid and acid sulfate soils involves strategies to ameliorate acidity and mitigate the adverse effects on plant growth. These soils are characterized by low pH and can be found in various regions, posing challenges to agriculture and environmental sustainability. Here are key management practices for acid and acid sulfate soils:

Management of Acid Soils:


Objective: Raise soil pH by adding agricultural lime (calcium carbonate) or dolomitic lime (calcium-magnesium carbonate).

Application: Lime is applied based on soil test results and the target pH for specific crops.

Timing: Apply lime well before planting to allow sufficient time for the reaction to occur.

Organic Matter Addition:

Objective: Improve soil structure and nutrient-holding capacity.

Methods: Incorporate organic amendments, such as compost or well-rotted manure, into the soil.

Benefits: Organic matter buffers soil pH and enhances overall soil health.

Nutrient Management:

Objective: Address nutrient deficiencies caused by low pH.

Methods: Apply fertilizers containing essential nutrients that may be less available in acidic soils (e.g., phosphorus, calcium).

 Micronutrient Amendments:Address deficiencies of micronutrients like zinc and manganese.

Crop Selection:

Objective: Choose crops that are adapted to acidic soil conditions.

Acid-Tolerant Crops: Some crops, such as blueberries and rhododendrons, are naturally adapted to acidic soils.

Aluminum-Tolerant Varieties: Select crop varieties that are tolerant to elevated levels of aluminum, a common issue in acidic soils.

Aluminum Toxicity Management:

Objective: Minimize aluminum toxicity effects on plant roots.

Methods: Incorporate lime to raise pH and reduce aluminum solubility.

Deep Rooting Crops: Choose crops with deep root systems to avoid aluminum-rich surface layers.

Management of Acid Sulfate Soils:

Avoiding Sulfide Oxidation:

Objective: Prevent the oxidation of sulfide minerals that leads to the formation of sulfuric acid.

Water Management: Maintain high water tables to limit oxygen availability, reducing sulfide oxidation.

Wetland Restoration: Restore wetland conditions where applicable to minimize sulfide oxidation.

Lime Application:

Objective: Neutralize acidity produced by the oxidation of sulfides.

Calcium Carbonate: Apply agricultural lime or other calcium carbonate sources.

Magnesium-Lime: Consider dolomitic lime if magnesium deficiency is a concern.

Water Management:

Objective: Control water levels to minimize the exposure of sulfide minerals to oxygen.

Water Table Management: Maintain a high water table to limit sulfide oxidation.

Surface Water Diversion: Divert surface water away from acid sulfate soils to reduce oxygen infiltration.

Drainage Improvements:

Objective: Improve drainage in areas prone to waterlogging.

Subsurface Drains: Install subsurface drainage systems to lower the water table and reduce acidity.

Amendment with Neutralizing Materials: Incorporate neutralizing materials in waterlogged areas.

Buffer pH Monitoring:

Objective: Regularly monitor buffer pH to assess the effectiveness of management practices.

Adjustments: Adjust lime application rates based on buffer pH results to maintain the desired pH.

Risk Assessment:

Objective: Identify and assess areas with the potential for acid sulfate soil formation.

Prevention Measures: Implement measures to prevent the development of acid sulfate conditions in vulnerable areas.

Biological sickness of soils and its management

Biological sickness in soils refers to a condition where the microbial communities, which play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, soil structure maintenance, and overall soil health, are negatively impacted. This condition may result from various factors, such as the overuse of certain agricultural practices, excessive application of chemical inputs, or disturbances that disrupt the natural balance of the soil ecosystem. Managing biological sickness involves restoring and enhancing microbial diversity and activity. Here are key management strategies:

1. Reduce or Eliminate Agrochemical Inputs:

Pesticides and Herbicides: Excessive use of chemical pesticides and herbicides can harm soil microbes. Adopt integrated pest management (IPM) practices to minimize reliance on chemicals.

Synthetic Fertilizers: High doses of synthetic fertilizers can disrupt microbial communities. Consider using organic fertilizers or adopting nutrient management practices that support microbial activity.

2. Organic Matter Addition:

Objective: Increase organic matter content to support microbial growth and diversity.

Methods: Incorporate organic amendments like compost, cover crops, and crop residues into the soil.

Benefits: Organic matter serves as a food source for microorganisms and enhances soil structure.

3. Crop Rotation and Diversification:

Objective: Break pest and disease cycles and diversify nutrient demands.

Methods: Rotate crops to introduce different root exudates and organic inputs into the soil.

Benefits: Crop rotation promotes a diverse microbial community and helps control soilborne diseases.

4. Minimize Soil Disturbance:

Objective: Preserve soil structure and minimize disruption of microbial habitats.

Methods: Adopt conservation tillage or no-till practices to reduce soil disturbance.

Benefits: Preserving soil structure enhances microbial habitat and reduces the risk of disrupting microbial communities.

5. Cover Cropping:

Objective: Provide continuous organic inputs and protect the soil from erosion.

Methods: Plant cover crops during fallow periods or between main crops.

Benefits: Cover crops contribute organic matter, promote beneficial microbial interactions, and protect the soil surface.

6. Microbial Inoculants:

Objective: Introduce beneficial microorganisms to enhance specific microbial functions.

Methods: Use microbial inoculants containing beneficial bacteria, fungi, or mycorrhizae.

Benefits: Inoculants can boost nutrient availability, improve plant health, and support soil microbial diversity.

7. Compost Teas and Extracts:

Objective: Apply microbial-rich solutions to enhance soil microbial activity.

Methods: Use compost teas or microbial extracts derived from well-aged compost.

Benefits: These solutions can introduce diverse microbial communities and stimulate soil biological activity.

8. Reduced Soil Erosion:

Objective: Prevent soil erosion to protect microbial habitats.

Methods: Implement erosion control measures, such as cover cropping, contour plowing, and agroforestry.

Benefits: Reducing soil erosion preserves microbial communities and minimizes nutrient loss.

9. Optimize Irrigation Practices:

Objective: Maintain appropriate soil moisture levels to support microbial activity.

Methods: Implement efficient irrigation practices, such as drip irrigation or soil moisture monitoring.

Benefits: Proper moisture levels are critical for microbial function and nutrient cycling.

10. Monitor and Assess:

Objective: Regularly monitor soil health and microbial activity.

Methods: Conduct soil tests, microbial assays, and other diagnostic assessments.

Benefits: Monitoring provides insights into the effectiveness of management practices and guides adjustments as needed.

11. Educational Outreach:

Objective: Increase awareness and understanding of soil biology among farmers and land managers.

Methods: Provide educational programs, workshops, and resources on sustainable soil management practices.

Benefits: Informed decision-making supports the adoption of practices that promote soil health and microbial diversity.

12. Community Involvement:

Objective: Foster a sense of community involvement in sustainable soil management.

Methods: Encourage local collaboration and sharing of knowledge and experiences.

Benefits: Community engagement can lead to the adoption of best practices and the development of region-specific solutions.

Quality of irrigation water and their crop response'

The quality of irrigation water can significantly impact crop growth and yield. Various water quality parameters, such as salinity, alkalinity, specific ions, and toxic elements, can influence soil and plant health. Here are some key water quality parameters and their potential effects on crops:

1. Salinity:

Effect on Crops:

High salinity levels can negatively impact crops by reducing water uptake, causing osmotic stress, and affecting nutrient absorption.

Salt-sensitive crops may exhibit symptoms such as leaf burn, stunted growth, and reduced yields.


Use salt-tolerant crop varieties.

Implement leaching practices to flush excess salts from the root zone.

Monitor soil salinity levels and adjust irrigation accordingly.

2. Alkalinity:

Effect on Crops:

Elevated alkalinity can lead to high soil pH, affecting nutrient availability.

Nutrient deficiencies, particularly iron and manganese, may occur in crops.


Amend soil with acidifying agents (e.g., sulfur) to lower pH.

Choose crops tolerant to higher pH levels.

Use acidified irrigation water or consider acid injection systems.

3. Specific Ions (Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Chloride):

Effect on Crops:

Imbalances in specific ions can affect nutrient uptake and soil structure.

High sodium levels can lead to soil dispersion and reduced water infiltration.


Adjust the ratio of cations (Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Na⁺) by using amendments or selecting appropriate irrigation water.

Apply gypsum (calcium sulfate) to counteract sodium-related issues.

Monitor ion concentrations in water and soil.

4. Boron:

Effect on Crops:

Boron toxicity can occur in crops when concentrations are too high.

Symptoms include leaf burn, necrosis, and reduced yields.


Use irrigation water with low boron content.

Apply amendments to correct boron levels in the soil.

Select boron-tolerant crop varieties.

5. Heavy Metals (Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.):

Effect on Crops:

Accumulation of heavy metals in crops poses health risks for human consumption.

High levels can interfere with plant metabolism and reduce yields.


Regularly test irrigation water for heavy metal content.

Avoid using water contaminated with high levels of heavy metals for irrigation.

Implement phytoremediation techniques if applicable.

6. Microbial Contamination:

Effect on Crops:

Pathogenic microorganisms in water can cause diseases in crops and affect post-harvest quality.


Use clean and treated water for irrigation.

Implement proper sanitation practices to prevent contamination.

Rotate crops to disrupt disease cycles.

7. Temperature:

Effect on Crops:

Extreme water temperatures can stress plants and affect metabolic processes.

Cold water can slow down germination and growth.


Use temperature-appropriate water for irrigation.

Adjust irrigation scheduling based on temperature conditions.

8. Turbidity:

Effect on Crops:

Suspended particles in water can clog irrigation systems and affect water distribution.

High turbidity can reduce light penetration in aquatic systems, impacting submerged crops.


Use water filtration systems to remove suspended particles.

Periodically clean irrigation infrastructure.

9. pH:

Effect on Crops:

Extremes in pH can influence nutrient availability.

Acidic or alkaline conditions may affect the solubility of certain nutrients.


Adjust pH using appropriate amendments.

Regularly monitor and manage pH levels in both water and soil.

10. Nutrient Content:

Effect on Crops:

Imbalances or deficiencies in essential nutrients can affect crop growth and yield.

Excess nutrients can lead to toxicity.


Regularly test irrigation water for nutrient content.

Adjust nutrient inputs based on crop requirements.

Management of brackish water for irrigation

Managing brackish water for irrigation involves strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of high salinity on soil and crops. Brackish water typically contains elevated levels of salts, particularly sodium, chloride, and other ions, which can negatively impact soil structure and plant health. Here are key management practices for using brackish water in irrigation:

1. Soil Amendments:

Gypsum Application:

Objective: Improve soil structure and reduce sodium-induced dispersion.

Method: Apply gypsum (calcium sulfate) to the soil to replace sodium on the exchange sites.

Benefits: Gypsum enhances soil aggregation and improves water infiltration.

2. Leaching:

Objective: Remove excess salts from the root zone.

Method: Apply irrigation water in excess to leach salts below the root zone.

Benefits: Leaching helps prevent salt buildup in the soil, improving overall soil and plant health.

3. Crop Selection:

Objective: Choose salt-tolerant crops adapted to brackish water conditions.

Method: Select crop varieties with known tolerance to high salinity.

Benefits: Salt-tolerant crops can thrive in conditions where conventional crops may struggle.

4. Irrigation Scheduling:

Objective: Optimize the timing and frequency of irrigation to minimize salt accumulation.

Method: Implement efficient irrigation scheduling based on crop water requirements.

Benefits: Proper scheduling helps maintain soil moisture and prevents excessive salt buildup.

5. Drip Irrigation:

Objective: Targeted and efficient water application to minimize salt distribution.

Method: Use drip irrigation systems to deliver water directly to the root zone.

Benefits: Drip irrigation reduces surface evaporation and minimizes soil exposure to salts.

6. Mulching:

Objective: Reduce evaporation and limit salt accumulation on the soil surface.

Method: Apply organic or inorganic mulches around plants.

Benefits: Mulching conserves soil moisture and reduces the concentration of salts in the root zone.

7. Soil pH Management:

Objective: Maintain optimal soil pH to enhance nutrient availability.

Method: Regularly monitor and adjust soil pH as needed.

Benefits: Correct pH levels promote nutrient uptake and reduce the impact of high salinity on plant growth.

8. Selecting Salt-Tolerant Rootstocks:

Objective: Improve plant resistance to high salinity.

Method: Choose rootstocks that are known for salt tolerance.

Benefits: Salt-tolerant rootstocks can provide a foundation for grafting more sensitive plant varieties.

9. Soil and Water Testing:

Objective: Regularly assess soil and water quality to guide management decisions.

Method: Conduct periodic soil and water tests to monitor salt levels and nutrient status.

Benefits: Informed decision-making allows for timely adjustments in management practices.

10. Amelioration with Freshwater:

Objective: Dilute brackish water with freshwater to reduce salinity.

Method: Integrate freshwater sources into the irrigation system when available.

Benefits: Dilution lowers overall salinity levels, mitigating potential harm to soil and crops.

11. Monitoring and Recordkeeping:

Objective: Track soil and crop responses to brackish water irrigation.

Method: Maintain detailed records of irrigation practices, crop performance, and soil conditions.

Benefits: Monitoring allows for adaptive management and the refinement of strategies over time.

12. Research and Extension Services:

Objective: Seek guidance from agricultural research and extension services.

Method: Consult with local experts and research institutions for region-specific recommendations.

Benefits: Expert advice can provide tailored solutions based on local conditions and crop requirements.

Salt balance under irrigation

The salt balance under irrigation refers to the relationship between salt inputs and outputs in the soil-plant system. Proper management of salt balance is crucial to prevent the accumulation of salts in the root zone, which can have detrimental effects on soil structure, plant health, and overall crop productivity. The goal is to maintain a balance where salt inputs are effectively managed and mitigated by salt removal or leaching.

Components of the Salt Balance:

Salt Inputs:

Irrigation Water:

Water from various sources may contain dissolved salts, such as sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate.

The quality of irrigation water influences the initial salt content in the soil.

Salt Outputs:

Crop Uptake:

Plants absorb water from the soil, and along with it, they take up dissolved salts.

The concentration and types of salts in the soil solution influence plant uptake.


Leaching is the process of applying excess water to the soil to flush out salts below the root zone.

This helps prevent salt buildup in the root zone.

Management Strategies for Salt Balance under Irrigation:

Soil and Water Testing:

Regularly monitor the salt content in both the irrigation water and the soil.

Soil testing helps assess the initial salinity level, while water testing guides adjustments in irrigation practices.

Irrigation Scheduling:

Implement efficient irrigation scheduling based on crop water requirements.

Proper scheduling helps maintain soil moisture without over-irrigating, reducing the risk of salt accumulation.


Use leaching as a management strategy to remove excess salts from the root zone.

Adjust the leaching fraction (ratio of drainage water to applied water) based on soil and water salinity levels.

Salinity-Tolerant Crops:

Choose crop varieties that are tolerant to high salinity levels.

Salt-tolerant crops can better withstand elevated salt concentrations in the soil.


Apply organic or inorganic mulches to the soil surface.

Mulching reduces evaporation, helping to conserve soil moisture and prevent salt accumulation on the surface.

Crop Rotation:

Rotate crops to disrupt pest and disease cycles and diversify nutrient demands.

Different crops have varying salt tolerance, and rotation can help manage overall salt balance.

Improving Drainage:

Ensure proper soil drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can exacerbate salt problems.

Well-drained soils facilitate leaching and reduce the risk of salt accumulation.

Use of Gypsum:

Apply gypsum (calcium sulfate) to improve soil structure and reduce sodium-induced dispersion.

Gypsum helps replace sodium on soil exchange sites and enhances water infiltration.

Avoiding Over-Irrigation:

Over-irrigation can lead to waterlogging and salt accumulation.

Use soil moisture monitoring and irrigation scheduling to optimize water application.

Monitoring and Recordkeeping:

Keep records of irrigation practices, crop performance, and soil conditions.

Regular monitoring allows for the timely identification of issues and adjustments in management practices.

Integration of Freshwater:

If available, integrate freshwater sources into the irrigation system to dilute salinity levels.

Dilution helps manage overall salt concentration in the soil.

Research and Expert Consultation:

Stay informed about the latest research and consult with experts in the field.

Research findings and expert advice can provide insights into region-specific solutions and best practices.

Characterization of brackish waters, area and extent, relationship in water use and quality

Characterization of Brackish Waters:

Salinity Levels:

Brackish water is characterized by moderate salinity levels, higher than freshwater but lower than seawater.

Salinity is often expressed in terms of total dissolved solids (TDS) measured in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Ionic Composition:

Brackish water contains a mix of ions, including sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfate.

The specific ion composition can vary based on the source and geological characteristics of the area.

Source of Brackish Water:

Brackish water sources include estuaries, tidal areas, coastal aquifers, and some inland groundwater.

The proximity to the sea and geological conditions influence the brackish water characteristics.

Geographical Distribution:

Brackish water is often found in coastal regions and areas with a significant influence from seawater.

Coastal aquifers may be affected by saltwater intrusion, leading to increased salinity.


Brackish water temperatures can vary but are often influenced by the climate of the region.

Temperature can impact water chemistry and the solubility of salts.

Area and Extent of Brackish Water:

Coastal Regions:

Brackish water is prevalent in coastal zones where seawater interacts with freshwater sources.

Estuaries and tidal areas are common locations for brackish water.


Brackish water may be present in coastal aquifers due to the intrusion of seawater into freshwater aquifers.

The extent of brackish water in aquifers depends on factors such as geological conditions and groundwater extraction rates.

Inland Areas:

Inland brackish water may occur in closed basins or areas with limited freshwater recharge.

Anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural practices and irrigation, can contribute to brackish water formation.

Saltwater Intrusion:

The extent of brackish water is influenced by saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers, which can occur due to over-pumping of groundwater.

Relationship Between Water Use and Quality:

Agricultural Irrigation:

Brackish water is sometimes used for irrigation in regions where freshwater resources are limited.

The choice to use brackish water for irrigation depends on the salt tolerance of crops and management practices to prevent soil salinization.


Brackish water aquaculture involves the cultivation of species adapted to moderate salinity levels.

Species such as tilapia, shrimp, and certain types of fish are commonly raised in brackish water systems.


In regions with brackish water resources, desalination technologies, such as reverse osmosis, may be employed to produce freshwater.

Desalination can improve water quality for various uses, including domestic and industrial applications.

Drinking Water Supply:

Depending on treatment capabilities, brackish water may be treated for drinking water supply.

Advanced treatment processes are often required to reduce salinity to acceptable levels.

Industrial Processes:

Some industries may use brackish water for specific processes.

Water quality requirements for industrial use depend on the sensitivity of processes to salinity and specific ion concentrations.

Environmental Impact:

The use of brackish water for various purposes can have environmental implications.

Saltwater intrusion into freshwater ecosystems or discharge of brackish water can impact local ecosystems and biodiversity.

Water Quality Management:

Monitoring and Testing:

Regular monitoring of brackish water quality is essential to understand variations and ensure suitability for intended uses.

Water quality testing should include parameters such as salinity, ion concentrations, and contaminants.

Water Treatment:

Depending on the intended use, water treatment technologies may be employed to reduce salinity and remove contaminants.

Treatment options include desalination, ion exchange, and membrane processes.

Integrated Water Resource Management:

Integrated approaches to water resource management consider the interdependence of water quality, quantity, and ecosystem health.

Sustainable practices aim to balance water use with environmental conservation.

Regulatory Measures:

Regulations and standards related to water quality should be established and enforced to protect public health and the environment.

Regulatory frameworks may include permissible salinity levels for various uses.

Public Awareness and Education:

Public awareness and education programs can promote responsible water use and the importance of preserving water quality.

Informed water users are more likely to adopt practices that contribute to sustainable water management.

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